
Posts Tagged ‘Holter’

Longer Monitoring at a Lower Cost

September 1, 2011 Leave a comment

The Zio� Patch is an emerging FDA-approved device the size of a small calculator that can be worn under the patient’s clothes that records and stores ECG data for up to 30 days. After the ECG recordings are obtained, the device is then mailed to a national reading center to evaluate the data.

There have been multiple studies that confirm the effectiveness of outpatient ECG monitoring. One study indicated that the sensitivity for diagnosing heart patients increased from 11.5% to 46.2% when they were monitored for over seven days. Another study suggested that using Holter technology to identify atrial fibrillation early could save healthcare $13,000 per year, per patient, making this technology all the more important.

Dr. Carolyn M. Clancy, MD, director of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality in Washington DC, said “Because of all of the advances in biomedical science, it’s not the case that there’s one thing to do for a particular condition; there are multiple choices. The question is how you make those choices. It’s all about focusing on patients needs and applying the best of science to meet those individual needs. Some may require real-time monitoring while others do not.”

Now physicians will have a cost-sensitive option for their patients. I hope this trend continues.